I think it's a disgrace that footballers get paid so much more than people who are either fighting for us or save our lives. In my opinion doctors, police, the ambulance service, fire fighters and all corners of the army should get paid a lot more than people who only play football on the television. How many times have you been to see your doctor or to the hospital in your life? For post people it's more than you'd like to realize, but what if all those people where not there to help us when something's wrong? Just having check ups could save your life because they could catch something early. How many people would wrongly loose their lives because there wasn't anyone there to help them. Ever been caught in a fire? I bet if you have then you basically ow your life to the fire fighters that saved you, what have footballers ever done for you except be there for a bit of entertainment or for a sneaky bet. Don't get me wrong I don't think there's anything wrong with football or any sport for that matter I just don't think they should get paid more than people who save lives. There's so much money tied up in football that could be spent doing something so much better. Most players get millions a year for being exceptionally good at what they do but their not really doing much if you think about it.

Most players play around 2 matches a week and the rest of the time their in their massive houses, training or in luxury hotels when they really don't do that much considering what some people do. Yes, they may be amazing at football and maybe should get paid a big amount but it's got to a stage that's just to much. You don't even need that much money, what do they do with it? I think people that serve our country deserve a lot more than they're getting at the moment considering that it can take over your life. For example I'd rather give my money to a charity that makes lives better or saves them rather than to a charity that buys football goals. Football may keep young adolescents of the streets and maybe stop them from causing trouble but their just doing it for fun their not getting paid a ridiculous amount of money for doing so. Do you agree that it's got to a level that it shouldn't have? Feel free to leave a comment and express your views.