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Friday, 29 June 2012

Why Is Updating Important?

I think that updating everything in general is very important. I hate to be about 90 like my grand-dad and not have a clue what to do and how to work the technology that's current at the time. Most of the older generation are terrified by technology the main reason is because they haven't been updating their technology,   times running away from them, just like the modern world.

 My grandparents phones look like bricks and are some of the oldest phones out there, well in my eyes anyway. They can't even text and only use it to answer calls because doing anything else is to complicated. Even my mum and dad can't work computers or laptops properly, they both get flustered and think that there going to break it, where as now nearly every student learns how to use them at school and find it easy to do things that would confuse most adults even though it seems so simple to us because we've grown up with it. Technology isn't the only thing that you should keep updated it's also things like fashion, music, attitudes and ideas. Yes, it's fine to still love all the old things but there's a certain extent where the younger generation will look down on you for being 'different' and say things like 'oh that's old' which in my eyes it's wrong but still happens in the modern day world. Business's like Apple, Microsoft and Firefox are always updating their software and products to make sure that they sell and people don't get bored of the same old gadgets.

 I hope you've found this post interest please feel free to tweet and google+ this post. Also why not check out my Blogging Tips page for some Inspiration.

Friday, 22 June 2012

Google Has Been Fined £15,700

Ever tried to find your house on Google Maps? Well apparently Google hacked in to street camera's to gain the images in the first place, while also sending streets cars round with camera's that managed to catch emails and passwords. Many times Google has been accused of delaying investigations by not reply and giving out the information asked for by The Federal Communications Commission. They said that Google 'deliberately impeded and delayed' apparently they did this for months on end. According to the FCC the leader of Google didn't respond to requests for documents and information. This all started because in 2010 Google said that their street view cars had managed to pick up insecure wi-fi data.

The FCC still say that they have many unanswered questions about Google Maps. The unnamed engineer that came up with the codes for Google Maps used the Fifth Amendment rights against incriminating himself so that he didn't have to testify. I personally think that the FCC have just misunderstood Google but I also think that Google should stop delaying and try and prove their innocence, don't you think? Leave and comments or views that you might have.

I've seen a Google Maps car aswell have a look

Monday, 18 June 2012

Why Do Footballers Get Paid So Much?

I think it's a disgrace that footballers get paid so much more than people who are  either fighting for us or save our lives. In my opinion doctors, police, the ambulance service, fire fighters and all corners of the army should get paid a lot more than people who only play football on the television. How many times have you been to see your doctor or to the hospital in your life? For post people it's more than you'd like to realize, but what if all those people where not there to help us when something's wrong? Just having check ups could save your life because they could catch something early. How many people would wrongly loose their lives because there wasn't anyone there to help them. Ever been caught in a fire? I bet if you have then you basically ow your life to the fire fighters that saved you, what have footballers ever done for you except be there for a bit of entertainment or for a sneaky bet. Don't get me wrong I don't think there's anything wrong with football or any sport for that matter I just don't think they should get paid more than people who save lives. There's so much money tied up in football that could be spent doing something so much better. Most players get millions a year for being exceptionally good at what they do but their not really doing much if you think about it.

 Most players play around 2 matches a week and the rest of the time their in their massive houses, training or in luxury hotels when they really don't do that much considering what some people do. Yes, they may be amazing at football and maybe should get paid a big amount but it's got to a stage that's just to much. You don't even need that much money, what do they do with it? I think people that serve our country deserve a lot more than they're getting at the moment considering that it can take over your life. For example I'd rather give my money to a charity that makes lives better or saves them rather than to a charity that buys football goals. Football may keep young adolescents of the streets and maybe stop them from causing trouble but their just doing it for fun their not getting paid a ridiculous amount of money for doing so. Do you agree that it's got to a level that it shouldn't have? Feel free to leave a comment and express your views.

Friday, 15 June 2012

Can Songs Really Get Old?

In my opinion if a songs genuinely great then it can never get to 'old'. To be honest I prefer to listen to older songs rather than new because they have more of a story and are full of heart and soul where as most music now-a-days is all done on a computer and uses no real raw talent, although I do have a few exceptions. I love to break down songs, think about the beats and the instruments used it gives you a kind of pride. I also love really listening to the lyrics and trying to figure out the story behind them. I love artists like Bon Jovi and Bob Marley, I also really love rock bands. I absolutely adore Angel by Shaggy, such a great song ( you should have a listen if you somehow haven't already.

 So yeah I may be pretty young but I still mainly prefer songs that where made before I was even born, think it's weird? I listen the the types of music that I like to listen to, I honestly don't care what my friends listen to I'm not going to repeatedly play a song just because it's 'new' or the 'next big thing' or just before other people are. I'll listen to all the old songs that |I want to and no-one can stop me. Think of your 'favourite song' is it really that great? Is it even music?

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Getting What You Want

It's very easy to get what you want, as-long as you play your cards right. I'd say that the best thing to use is flattery. I think that it's easier for girls because they can just flutter their eye lashes and it normally works. Although some girls do take this to far. For example some women try to get pay rises or promotions by going in to work half naked to impress their male boss's even though now-a-days it doesn't work quite so well. If you want a promotion so badly just be good at what you do and try your hardest, it may take time but it will eventually get you somewhere, wouldn't you want the satisfaction of doing it for yourself?

 It's normally easy to get what you want from your parents all you've gotta do is say 'mummy you know you love me?' I still use this now and it never fails to work. Boys are very good at being flattering, flirty and even leading girls on to get want they want (not every guy) and a lot of the time it works, girls are very good at doing this to. So yeah if your trying very hard to get something you should just try hard to achieve your goals in-life, and girls don't be the 'bimbo' and boys don't be the guy to break hearts for no good reason, don't you think?

Saturday, 2 June 2012

Never Take Anyone For Granted

Taking someone for granted means that you don't or sometimes don't appreciate what someone does for you or is to you. Is there someone who does so much for you but you don't realise or thank them for it like family friends or partner? Really think because one day they could disappear and you won't realize what you had before it's to late.

 One day they could just snap or get fed up because you don't appreciate what they do for you so they'll just stop or leave. If someone does something for you or is just kind or caring towards you then thank them because it really will mean a lot. You won't realize what you've got until it's gone so don't take anything or anyone for granted. Show them what they mean to you!