I'm not the most confident person so I don't think I'd ever be able to gain the confidence to take videos of myself and put them on YouTube but there are a lot of people that do. With
YouTube, you can basically become a web celebrity overnight if people like what your doing. I love watching YouTubers messing around and doing crazy parody's that everybody loves even if they don't admit to it. If your trying to become a 'YouTube Sensation' then I would say that the best advice I can give you is to be as funny as you can.

YouTubers like
DaveDays and
Twisted Tim have so many subscribers and video views because there so funny and are genuinely really good singers. They sometimes change the words to make a song more about them which I find hilarious. A lot of people also take videos of them playing a game, trying to show other people how to do a certain thing on the game. These videos tend to get a lot of views because so many people are in to gaming and want to learn how they can be the best. Ever heard of
Fred? He started making videos when he was pretty young and is still doing it. His videos are so ridiculous that it's funny. He changes his voice to a really high pitched squeaky one that just makes the videos that so much more funny. A lot of people just re-upload videos from other artists, this can also get you a lot of views if it's a popular song and manages to get on the first page of the results. So yeah, if you want to be recognised as being a YouTuber and getting millions of views and subscribers just be funny.
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